Laser Light

Red laser 635nm and
violet laser 405nm

Cats and Laser

Cats like the laser and
enjoy the treatment

Horses and Laser

Laser therapy can
improve the performance,
and makes training easier

Acupuncture is a technique that has been used for over 3,000 years to restore energy flow along the body’s meridians, in modern Western terms acupuncture stimulates the body to heal itself by affecting physiological changes. A modern version is laser acupuncture, where the points are stimulated with a low energy or cold laser.

Low Level Laser Therapy, also known as cold laser therapy, is a state of the art new technology, that uses low-intensity lasers to treat a whole range of conditions. The laser, which is a concentrated form of light, penetrates the skin, reaching the tissue it is meant to help. The laser is programmed with specific frequencies, depending what tissue or condition is being treated.